Best Treatments for STDs and STIs Doctor Vinod Raina in Delhi

STD’s and STI’s Treatments

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are more commonly also known as Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). They are the contaminations one gets from an individual through sexual contact. One can contract an STD by having unprotected sex, be it vaginal, butt-centric, or oral sex with somebody who has the STD. Individuals suffering from STD’s or STI’s can transmit microorganisms from themselves to another one and then these microorganisms then take possession of the skin or mucous films of the private parts. Infectious living beings can likewise move between individuals in semen, vaginal discharges, or blood during sex. People pass on STDs all the more effective when they are not utilizing proper contraception methods, for example, condoms, dams, and also purifying their sex toys.

Symptoms of Common STD’s 

Symptoms in Men

  • Tingling and flaming sensations in and around the penis 
  • A dribbling discharge from the penis 
  • Pelvic region becoming sore with time 
  • Wounds and rashes on penis, butt, or mouth 
  • Difficulty in peeing coupled with burning and tingling sensations. 
  • Visits to the restroom becoming more frequent

Symptoms in Women

  • A feeling of torment or distress during sex or while peeing 
  • The occurrence of bumps and rashes close to the vagina, rear-end, bottom, thighs, or mouth 
  • Abnormal release of discharge from the vagina 
  • Irritation and feelings of burning sensation in or around the vagina

Different types of STD’s and STI’s


Chlamydia is an STD brought about by Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis). This bacterium just affects only people. Chlamydia is the most widely recognized irresistible reason for genital and eye sicknesses all around. It is additionally the most widely recognized bacterial STD.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Numerous individuals suffering from chlamydia have no recognizable symptoms. At the point when indications do arise, they regularly include: 

  • Agony or distress during sex or while peeing 
  • Green or yellow-collared discharge from the penis or vagina 
  • Pain and torment in the lower abdominal area.

Treatment of Chlamydia

Chlamydia can easily be treated by taking antibiotics under the supervision of a sexologist.

HPV (Human Papilloma virus)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that can be passed to others starting from one individual then onto the next through cosy skin-to-skin or sexual contact. There is a wide range of strains of the infection. Some are more perilous than others.

Symptoms of HPV

The most commonly known symptom of HPV is Genital warts, and also warts on and near mouth and throat.

Treatment of HPV

As of now, there's no treatment available for HPV. Be that as it may, HPV contaminations frequently clear up all alone and on their own. There's likewise an immunization accessible to secure against probably the riskiest strains, which includes HPV 16 and HPV 18.


Syphilis is the consequence of Treponema pallidum, a bacterium. It is transmitted by sexual contact, and the individual passing on the contamination will have a syphilitic sore. There is a brooding and incubation time of somewhere in the range of 9 and 90 days after the contamination is introduced to the body before the indications of syphilis start showing. The bacteria of syphilis have a normal hatching time of 21 days. Each phase of syphilis has trademark signs and side effects.

Symptoms of Syphilis

The main side effect of syphilis to show up is a little round sore, known as a chancre. It can occur on your privates, rear-end, or near your mouth. It’s painless yet it is exceptionally infectious. Further symptoms of syphilis can include: 

  • Rash 
  • Exhaustion 
  • Fever 
  • Cerebral pains and headaches
  • Tenderness and pain in joints

Treatment of Syphilis

Luckily, it is noted that whenever Chlamydia got detected early enough, syphilis is effortlessly treated with anti-infection agents and antibiotics. Be that as it may, syphilis in an infant can be deadly. That is the reason it's significant for every single pregnant lady to be screened for syphilis.


Human immunodeficiency virus HIV harms the immune system and the invulnerable framework of the human body, this, in turn, raises the danger of contracting different infections and makes the person prone to the attack of microorganisms and certain malignancies. If HIV is left untreated for a longer period, it can develop into the third stage of HIV, which is more commonly known as AIDS. Be that as it may, with the present treatment, most of the individuals living with HIV do not develop AIDS. Traces of HIV can be found in blood, semen of a man, in breastmilk and also in vaginal and rectal fluids. Transmission of HIV can happen through a lot of different ways which include sexual relations and contact breastfeeding of infants by an infected mother, childbirth, sharing drug admission paraphernalia like syringes and needles through the blood to blood contact and in exceptional cases through blood transfusions.

 Symptoms of HIV (AIDS)

The early symptoms of HIV can include: 

  • Recurring fever and fatigue 
  • Sudden and inexplicable chills 
  • A recurring throbbing headache 
  • Swollen lymph hubs and nodes
  • Sore throat 
  • Rashes all around the body

Treatment of HIV (AIDS)

There's no treatment or solution for HIV yet, however, treatment choices are accessible to oversee it. Early and compelling treatment can help individuals with HIV live as long as those without HIV. Legitimate treatment can likewise bring down your odds of transmitting HIV to a sexual accomplice. With the proper treatment, the measure of the HIV infection present inside the body can be decreased to an imperceptible level. This implies that the measure of HIV infection inside the blood is at such low levels that it can't be distinguished in blood tests. Imperceptible levels of HIV Infection in the blood reduces the risk of spreading HIV according to reports of a CDC Trusted Source.

Contact Us: -

Dr Raina's SAFE HANDS Clinic


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Malviya Nagar Metro Station,

New Delhi – 110017

Call/WhatsApp: +91-9871605858, +91-7687878787


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