
Showing posts from February, 2020

What is Premature Ejaculation

                            What is Premature Ejaculation? Let us first, discuss, what are Premature Ejaculation and its symptoms. It is one of the most common sexual problems in the male partner. When normal sexual activity comes less than the normal duration (less than 1 minute). Then, this is called Premature Ejaculation . It is also known as early discharge, quick orgasm, early fall, Shigrapatan (in Hindi). According to a recent survey, 30% to 40% of male of all age groups are facing this problem at a time. This is a very frustrating disorder for a male member in which the male feels totally helpless and stress. It is creating unhappiness between wife and husband relationships. This is an easily treatable condition for him. Reason of Premature Ejaculation: A number of possible causes have been found about the causes of premature ejaculation. Urogenital Infections : - Infection of the urethra, Epididymis, Orchitis, Prostate, Epididymis-orchitis, A seminal vesicle, etc.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Low Libido

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: The Culprit Behind Constant Low Libido Needing to include in sex some of the time and getting away from it on different occasions is totally ordinary. In any case, in the event that you continually search for approaches to keep away from sexual contact, something isn't right with your body. Vacillation in charisma is reasonable however visit low sex want isn't 'typical'. It might be an indication of the hidden ailment and can affect your relationship adversely if not analyzed and treated on schedule. As indicated by specialists in the field, continually being unbiased in sex and being pestered by that is known as hypoactive sexual want issue (HSDD). This condition is characterized as the nonattendance of sexual contemplations, dreams, sexual wants, and trouble in a sentimental relationship.                                                     Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Reasons for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disor

Few Tips for Your First Time Sex

When you are going to lose your virginity is the first sex. It is interesting, but not as shown in Bollywood movies. According to Indian tradition, sex is referred to after marriage, but in our modern society, it can be before marriage as well.                                            Best Sexologist in Delhi for Erectile Dysfunction 1.        How is the experience? - Generally, there would be the pain of varying degree; Female vagina is an expandable structure which adjusts according to male penis size. You wouldn't get orgasms, but penetration is the most important. First-time pain is mostly bearable but if it is too much, never hesitate to request your partner to stop it. In the first time, bleeding will be just a little bit, but it doesn't stop after 5-10 minutes, don't hesitate to discuss with your older sister in law or mother in law. If you are not able to sort out this problem, then take help from a sex doctor. 2.        Is it necessary to ha

Best Sexologist Doctor, Male condoms, Condom Breaks During Sex

Review A male condom is a slender sheath set over the erect penis. At the point when left set up during sex, oral sex or butt-centric sex, male condoms are a viable method to shield yourself and your accomplice from explicitly transmitted contaminations (STIs). Male condoms are additionally a successful method to forestall pregnancy. Condoms, likewise called rubbers, are generally made of latex, yet some are produced using polyurethane or lambskin. Latex including polyurethane condoms gives the most protection into STIs. Male condoms are easy to utilize, economical and generally accessible. They are accessible with or without grease and arrive in an assortment of lengths, shapes, widths, thicknesses, and hues. A few condoms are finished to expand sensation. Why it's finished On the off chance that you use them accurately every the time you engage in sexual relations, male condoms are compelling at forestalling pregnancy and the transmission of the huma

Get the Best Treatment of antiviral drugs

जानें सबकुछ क् ‍ या है कोरोना वायरस जो चीन समेत पूरी दुनिया के लिए बन गया है खतरा ? चीन में नए वायरस से अब चार लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है . इसे Coronavirus कहते हैं . बायोलॉजिस् ‍ ट्स इसे महामारी फैलाने वाला बता रहे हैं , वह भी Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) जैसी , जिसने 2002-03 के बीच दुनियाभर में लगभग 800 लोगों की जान ली . SARS की शुरुआत भी चीन से ही हुई थी . Coronavirus की पहचान करने में वैज्ञानिकों को दो हफ्ते लगे . मध् ‍ य चीन के वुहान से शुरुआती मामले सामने आए . अब तक 200 से ज् ‍ यादा मामले रिपोर्ट हो चुके हैं . चीन से बाहर , साउथ कोरिया , जापान और थाइलैंड से कुल चार मामले सामने आए हैं . दुनिया भर के देशों ने वुहान से आने वाले पैसेंजर्स को स् ‍ क्रीन करना शुरू कर दिया है . Coronaviruses दरअसल वायरस का एक बड़ा समूह है जो जानवरों में आम बात है . यह एक तरह का न् ‍ यूमोनिया वायरस है . बायोलॉजिकली यह SARS की फैमिली से आता है . अमेरिकी