What is the treatment for paraphilia?

Paraphilia is the experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals.

Paraphilias Treatment

Research on the treatment for Paraphilia focuses on pedophilia, due to the terrible impact of this behavior on victims and due to the involvement of pedophilic sex offenders with the justice system. Those studies have shown that treatment only tends to work if the person with pedophilia is motivated and committed to controlling his or her behavior and when treatment combines psychotherapy and medication.

Psychotherapy for pedophilia and other Paraphilia tends to use cognitive behavioral therapy. The focus of psychotherapy tends to be helping the person with pedophilia recognize and combat rationalizations about his or her behavior, as well as training the pedophilia sufferer in developing empathy for the victim and in techniques to control their sexual impulses. This therapy tends to take an approach to treat sexual offenders using a relapse prevention model that is similar to treating people with drug addiction. This approach tries to help the Paraphilia person anticipate situations that increase their risk of sexually acting out and finding ways to avoid or more productively respond to those triggers. People with Paraphilia may also benefit from social skills training to help them develop age-appropriate, reciprocal relationships.

Medications that suppress the production of the male hormone testosterone reduce the frequency or intensity of sexual desire in pedophiles. It may take three to 10 months for testosterone suppression to reduce sexual desire.


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