Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi

What is premature Ejaculation 

Let us first discuss, what is Premature Ejaculation and its symptoms. It is one of the most common problems in the male partner. When, normal intercourse activity comes less than the normal duration (less than 1 minute). Then, this is called Premature Ejaculation. It is also known as early discharge, quick orgasm, early fall. According to a recent survey, 30% to 40% male of all age groups are facing this problem at a time. This is very frustrating disorder for a male member in which male feels totally helpless and stress. It is creating unhappiness between wife and husband relationships. This is an easily treatable condition for him. Get Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi by Dr.Vinod Raina.

·         Reason of Premature Ejaculation: A number of possible causes have been found about the causes of premature ejaculation.
·         Urogenital Infections: Infection of the urethra, Epidididymis, Orchitis, Prostate, Epididimo-orchitis, Seminal vesicle, etc. Any of these infections are one the most significant causes of early orgasm.
·         Hormone Disorder: It is one of the most common causes of premature ejaculation as well as it may cause other dysfunction, which is the cause of early discharge. Your hormones are very important for normal control on your ejaculation
·         Neurogenic Causes: A disorder involving the intimate centre area, Nervous system disorder, Any organic lesion leads to very fast semen discharge, Any one lesion of Conus medullaris of the spinal cord can also lead to premature ejaculation.
·         Increased Private part Sensitivity to touch: When the female partner of any couple touches their male partner private part and not able to increase their part. There are so many male patients facing such problem
Intimate Centre Disorder: Intimate Centre is the part of the human brain. There are some people who always thinking about naughty fun in their mind. But at the time of bed, they are getting discharged in a few minutes. That is the cause of ejaculation discharge. Intimate Centre is very sensitive to stimulation. Intimate Centre induced Premature Ejaculation can be divided into two groups: (1) Immediate cause- Early discharge happens due to immediate causes (2) Remote cause- If you are facing PE due to remote causes, then you need to therapy necessary for more lasting cure. This premature ejaculation causes, patient may also suffer with low desire or erectile dysfunction.

Causes of Investigation and Diagnosis

·         We take detail history of the patient
·         Detailed about general and systemic examination
·         We take Investigation and Diagnostic tests

We are taking accurate blood tested following tests:

·         A Complete Male Hormone Profile tests
·         Urine is tested for pus cells
·         Biochemistry tests
·         Epididydmus, scrotum, prostate is examined for infection.
·         Penile Nerve conduction tests and central nervous system is if required.
·         Ultrasonography of scrotum & prostate may be required.
·         Semen culture sensitivity and semen is examined for pus.
·         Various antibodies are tested against a relevant microbial agent


·         Oral Antibiotics: After taking all these tests and finding out the reason of premature ejaculation. We are providing antibiotics; these medicines are not costly as well as there is no side effect on the patient. You will 100% get a response within disorder in two weeks and patients are cured in 1-2 month duration. Antibiotics like hormone pills when we found hormone the patient, etc.

·         Injection Therapy: In some cases, we also suggest injection therapy, which is very effective to control patient premature ejaculation. We are providing this therapy when oral antibiotics failed. When patient getting highly demoralized due to previous sex failures, in that we are also advised it. After this injection patient’s penis become hard within three minutes and remains hard till 30minutes. So, in this therapy patient do the satisfactory fun without any fear.

·         Topical Therapy: This therapy is effective only for temporary treatment.

·         Phytoterapy: It is extract of saliva haeamatodes and some other natural products are effective in premature ejaculation.

We get patients from almost all cities and village of India as well as Abroad from different communities alike Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, etc. Patients come from cities Delhi, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad, Kolkatta, Pune, Agra, Meerut, Madras, Bombay, Panjab, Nasik, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Jodhpur, Raipur, Goa, Hyderabad, Mysore, Puri, Agartala, Ranchi, Shillong, Patna and Ranchi.

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