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Sexual Dysfunction has become a topic of stress these days in lives of people suffering from it. It is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity.

Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions. The imbalance between the neurological, vascular and tissue compartments that leads to arterial dilation and muscle relaxation takes place in cases of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. 

Erectile Dysfunction is a symptom and not a disease. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it
Twisting of penis during erection can cause damage to penis. In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal musculature, resulting in failure of penetration), dyspareunia (persistent genital pain before, during or after sexual activity). Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. For the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in males and females, SAFE HANDS C/O Dr. Vinod Raina is a well-known place to visit. 

Dr. Vinod Raina is one of the well-known sex specialist doctors in Delhi, NCR, and India. He has treated thousands of people till date and provided them the best treatment for the same. He is working from past 18 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face as a best sex doctor in delhi.


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