Erection Problems, Erectile dysfunction

Erection Problems, Erectile dysfunction The problems of erection or impotence are suffered by the individual but have a significant impact on their partners, so it is a problem of great importance. They can affect the couple’s relationship, as well as the relationship of the man with the family, with work and with his social life, says sexologist in Delhi. Affecting your self-esteem can lead to psychological disorders as important as depression. 10-30% of men have erection problems, mainly after the 5th decade of life. The erection is of great complexity since it depends on a large number of factors that act at different levels (penis, spinal cord, brain). The erectile dysfunction (impotence) is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection of sufficient quality to maintain sexual activity satisfactorily. The erection can be affected by a large number of problems or diseases: psychological, vascular, neurological, pharmacological, etc., explain...